Think! The Incredible
Hi everyone-
Are you ready for the holidays to be here? I’m ready, but it’s crazy to even begin to think that this year is almost over…I remember when 2009 started my New Year’s resolution was to save money and now it’s November and I still have not gotten anywhere yet! Well, let’s start all over again in 2010 :).
I just watched the music video for the song “Already Gone” by Kelly Clarkson and I was so inspired by the song and the music video. I think it is her best music video by far. She looks really romantic, sophisticated and beautiful in this video, and I’m sure there will be many more to come from her. Are you guys doing any theme shoots for the holiday?
We did some head shots. This is our first time doing something like this. The pictures did not turn out as I had imagined they would, but Loc had a lot of patience with me and I think he did a wonderful job. I wanted to do something different for a change. The highlight of this post is Mrs. Hulk. I’m warning you, if you have high blood pleasure, this is not something that you want to see. Umm… J/K LOL Enjoy the new banner and I hope you all enjoy your beautiful day! xoxo Nini
Super cute. You & loc are a great team. LOVES LOVES the header
Wow, Nini! You two really ARE a great team. These photos are beautiful and your face is just amazing. I love the new header, and your makeup is phenomenal in these. I know what you mean about new years resolutions, but the best way to look at it is this: maybe you didn’t accomplish the goals you set, but I bet you did accomplish a LOT! We should all look back at the end of the year at all the things we did accomplish that we never could have imagined we would!!
Hi Nini!! How are you doing? You header looks amazing! The makeup and photography are gorgeous. The last picture of you as the hulk is too cute haha! I’m trying to save money also as my New Year’s Resolution…I’m starting to write down a list before I go shopping and actually creating a realistic budget. Cannot wait to see more head shots like this. Take care and hope to hear from you soon!
Nini the banner is beeeeeeyooouuuuuttteeefullll.
The 2nd one is beautiful. also the smokey eye and the nude lip is perfection.
These photos are stunning! I especially love the first one!
You look very radiant, Nini! Love these shots and your new header!
HOTTTTTTTTTTTT photos Nini! Love the 3rd one. Very sexy! AND LOVE THE NEW HEADER!
Wow, what eye shadow are you wearing?? It’s beautiful!
I love this post. Actually, I LOVE all your posts. The glitter is so glam and perfect for the holiday season! XOXOXOOX
Hi Christine-
All the eyeshadow in this post are from MAC.
Love the nude lips, what did you use?
Beautiful! Did you do your own eyemakeup? It looks amazing!
absolutely stunning!
These are so so cool! I wish I weren’t camera-shy, and could ‘pose’ with hubby behind the camera, but I’m as awkward with him as I am with anyone else when taking photos…
Cannot WAIT for the holidays! I’ll be off to Japan! WOO HOO! SO excited!
WOWWWWWWW Nini! These are beautiful!!!
It’s Mac’s nude lip pencil with Nars Striptease gloss over.
I’m pretty bad with makeup
My friend at Mac did it for me
absolutely gorgeous! The eye makeup is stunning.
The makeup looks great Nini! You have very intense eyes so your headshots are amazing. I need to find a model muse like you to work on.
You look wonderful! I love the makeup and especially love the pictures with the tulle veil thingy.
you are so beautiful, this pics are heaven!
Looks fabu, love the new banner – and mrs Hulk so funny!!
Hi Nini!
Wooow… you have a new header … TRARAAAhh … and… your photos are truly beautiful!!!
Loc did a great job!;) Love especially your glitzer-glamour-eye-shadow!!
Have a wonderful week ahead!!
good morning, nini!
wow! the headshot photos are so absolutely awesome!!!!!
i love your make up here too.
good job, loc!
Hi Ni,
the pictures are beautiful!!great team work!
The photos looks very professional.
Loc is truly talented, he’ll be famous for his great photoraphy- bright future for him..Cheer*
oh my goodness,
it looks so professionnal… very talented and patient husband that u have…i wish mine would get into the game too… up to now i have to take my own pictures !!!!
giiiiiiiirlllllllll u look wonderful !!!!
I’m in love with the 1st one
you look so serene and angelic!
great job, Loc!!!!
Loooooooooveeeeeeeeeeee your new banner Nini!!! I love The Hulk’s inspired photo of you. Loc is very talented!! good luck to both of ya!
Hello gorgeousssss!!! Wowww Loc really invested in photography and youuuu totally invested in the beautiful make up on your eyes especially! Love the glitter!!! And you look really elegant and drop dead gorgeous! Beautiful skin, Nini!! SO IN LOVE!
Love, Adela
The new header is FIERCE. And I’m so loving the glitter on the eyelids. Very festive! I agree with Adela– you have got an enviable complexion! Have a great week, dear. xx D
so gorgeous. i love the sparkly eyeshadow- nice effect with the nude lips and dark eyeliner!
the green pic is wicked!
ahh… the hulk inspired pic was a nice wimsical tuch to an over all pretty and tough combo of the rest of the pics! i love the eyeshadow, so pretty!
Nini, these photos are incredible!!! I L-0-V-E the eye make-up. Do you think you could do a post on make-up, your favorite products, and how to apply them and so on? Also, your skin looks so radiant and beautiful!! How do you keep it that way? What kinds of products do you use?
Tell Loc we love his photography!
Thank you so much, I love you blog.
your makeup looks amazing! i love that you pulled all your hair back, you have a gorgeous face
You’re beautiful Nini! love your new header.. Is that the tulle from your Chanel dress?
soooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!WOW
Absolutely gorgeous Nini!!!!!!!!
you look beautiful…but i am not sure I understand the “broken arm” effect in the banner, it looks weird.
as for the portraits – very good job. Good combination – your beauty and Loc’s talent. The only part to be improved is not use so much smudging and blurring, or to learn how to do it better – skin tends to get too plastic form overdoing it.
Wowowowowowowwwwww – well, that’s what I’m calling a beauty shot! Hello supermodel!
What an amazing photoshooting! Looks like coming straight of a book of Kevin Aucoin or other phantastic make up artists!!!
With lots of love and standing ovations from Germany!
Hi Nini,
Love the head shots! you look so beautiful!

The make-up is amazing too! kudos to the photographer, to the make-up artist and to you too!!!!
much love,
Che Barcelona.
wow, this is amazing! beautiful shots, really great job
watching the waves
Wow, these pics are breath-taking! You will make one very beautiful bride!:-)
I am mesmerized!
hello nini, the pictures turned out great! well done loc! as usual
They turned out quiete well, congrats! I love the eyeshadow too!
gorgeous head shots, nini!! im blown away!

beautiful make-up too!
hope you are having a wonderful week!
OMG! You look so beautiful. Your make-up is flawless!
You have flaweless skin! What is your skin regimen? These shots are stunning! And I love the new header! xo, Mel
lovee the outfit! and I must say you have the cutest bob hair cut I’ve seen!
Amazing pics! you’re so pretty!
These pictures are really capturing. Especially the second one is gorgeous: The lips and the look are so beautiful!
xoxo from Germany!